Fitness & Personal Training

On any given day at least one news source tells us we need to exercise regularly and eat right. But where do you start and how do you make it work? That's where our Personal Trainers come into play.  It is their job to help you get started, be successful, and find answers to your questions.

Questions like…

  • Where do I start?

  • What do I do?

  • How do I know if it is working?

  • When will I see results?

  • What should I eat?

We offer fitness opportunities for children, adults and senior adults. For information, email us at


Schedule of Classes
  • 5:45 AM: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
  • 8:00 AM: Monday & Wednesday
  • 9:00 AM: Saturday (Time changes to 8:00 AM April-November for daylight savings time)
  • 9:15 AM: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
  • 4:00 PM: Sunday
  • 5:45 PM: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Several membership options are available. If you have questions, please contact, Tammy Billups by phone at (804) 339-3106 or at:

SilverSneakers for Seniors

SilverSneakers classes schedule:
  • 10:00-10:30 AM & 10:45-11:15 AM | Monday & Wednesday | Basketball Courts
  • 10:00-10:45 AM | Friday | Basketball Courts
  • 1:00-1:45 PM | Thursday | Basketball Courts
Classes are by pre-registration only and limited to 40 participants.
To pre-register for classes, create a Self-Service account at and then download MemberMe+ app from App Store. If a class gets full, clients are placed on a Wait List and notified by email if a spot becomes available.
SilverSneakers is a fun, energizing program that helps older adults take greater control of their health by encouraging physical activity and offering social events. Unlock the door to greater independence and a healthier life with SilverSneakers. Health plans around the country offer our award-winning program to people who are eligible for Medicare or to group retirees.
Tivity Health members participation in SilverSneakers provides a complimentary Rec Center pass. Renew Active/One Pass is also accepted at our facility.  For non-SilverSneakers members, the cost is $20 per month or $50 for 3 months.  For questions, contact Marty Rowe at (804) 921-9555 or at .

Pilates Classes | 9:00 AM | Monday & Wednesday | Fitness Center

Do you need a stronger core, more flexibility, improved posture or added energy? Our 9:00 AM Pilates classes on Monday & Wednesday are for you!
Beginners are welcome. Classes are held in the Fitness Center of Cool Spring Rec Center. Participants must be able to get on the floor. Equipment and instruction are included.
These are "DROP IN" classes. Fee is $5 per class. Pay the instructor directly. Try out a class next week!  
Questions?  Email