
The Storm Before the Calm

April 06, 2020

None of us would have ever dreamed of life’s uncertainties being such as they are currently with the COVID-19 virus literally dictating our every being. Our hopes, plans and dreams of family events, celebrations, in-house church services, work schedules and countless normal aspirations of fun and excitement we have been accustomed to planning and taking part in up until now have all been put on hold, through no fault of our own. The word, “unbelievable” has become a household word in most homes and among friends and families at every turn. But because of the current circumstances the question now becomes…. How do we cope with---and smile through---that which we have no power or control to change?

The COVID-19 virus has, in one way or another, affected the entire world as we know it. Loss of jobs, businesses closing doors, curfews being mandated, families physically separated, celebrations, trips and schools being cancelled, grocery stores out of certain food items, physical embraces being deemed detrimental to our health, healthcare workers maxed out physically, mentally and emotionally, and the list continues.

God has assured us with these words in Hebrews 13:5 ESV, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  God didn’t put a stipulation or time frame on these words. He didn’t say “for the time being,” so because of this, we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; He’s always there; I will not be afraid; The love of God will sustain me.

What should we be focusing on during this time of uncertainty in order to keep a positive, uplifting spirit, until which time the storm passes by? Here are just a few suggestions that I am trying hard to adhere to in my own life:

  1. Check in daily with family, friends and others and offer help where needed.
  2. Be respectful and responsible for what our leaders are mandating for the ‘good of the whole’ and put into daily practice these temporary regulations.
  3. Stay spiritually fed by engaging in our church services via social media platforms.
  4. Look for the helpers and be grateful for them, but more importantly, be the helper in someone’s life. Pray daily for those on the front lines of this pandemic.
  5. Remember that God was the same yesterday, is the same today, and will be the same tomorrow, and God’s love never fails.
  6. Look back on your life and see what storms God has brought you through thus far and be confident that He will bring you through this current storm.
  7. Stay brave during the ‘storm before the calm’ and hold on to the fact that, “This too shall pass---and because He lives, we can face tomorrow.”


May God’s grace and love sustain you throughout this storm, and may we all be more appreciative, thankful and loving towards one another as a result of it.

- By Linda McNally

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