
Safe Togather

by Wayne Smith on September 29, 2020

Change is in the air. We have transitioned from summer to fall. The days are getting shorter and the air is getting cooler. People are changing. Like a hibernating bear coming out of its den after a long winter, people are emerging from their homes and getting out into the world. You can sense it, feel it and see it happening. The urge to “Gather” or “Get Together” is igniting in the hearts of most people. Families, neighbors and groups are cautiously optimistic about spending time together.

Like the freight trains that run down the tracks outside my office, you can feel the vibrations and hear the sound long before you can see the train. The church receives calls and emails every day from those wanting to know when Life Groups, Boy Scouts, Young Life, AA, NA, Fitness Classes and other groups can meet at the church. 

We are opening the building slowly because we need each other to make it through these difficult times. The church is sensitive to the different needs of people. We are offering in-person, virtual and hybrid options for Worship, Discipleship and Support. You can go to and read about the changes that are taking place at Cool Spring beginning this Sunday, October 4. Safe Togather is not just a catchy phrase. We are committed to keeping everyone as safe as possible when we get together to Link | Learn | Live. Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

We look forward to seeing you in person or virtually as we seek God together in this trying time.


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