

by Shane Standlick on May 01, 2020

In my workout routine any given week, I make sure I schedule a day of rest. Not only is it good for recovery, but the body needs it. Rest and recovery help us to come back stronger and more energized for our next workout.

For example, two weeks ago I felt something give out in my back while working out at home. I applied a little ice, and I thought I’d be on my way, ready to complete another workout on the following day. When I woke up the next morning, I knew a workout wasn’t going to happen that afternoon. I was hurting! So, I decided to take that day and the weekend off. (No, this wasn’t an excuse to sit on the couch and eat cake…I do love cake though!) Over the weekend, I took a few walks here and there to help my body recover. No strenuous activity but enough to stay active. Monday afternoon rolled around, and I began my workout. I actually surprised myself by how great I was feeling as the workout progressed. It was one of the best workouts I’ve had in a while following a few days of rest.

The same applies for our weekly schedules. Sometimes we just need a rest. I think too often we find ourselves running around trying to fit everything we can into our weekly schedules. We go from one activity to the next, and quickly find ourselves overwhelmed by the amount of time we don’t have to do the things that bring us joy or energy.

Due to COVID-19’s impact on our society, many of us have been forced into a period of rest. I don’t say all because I greatly appreciate the front line and essential employees who are working on overdrive to keep us safe, healthy and fed! I hope those of you in this category also get to rest and recharge very soon! But for the rest of us, our calendars have changed and opened up for an opportunity to slow down and appreciate the things God has given us such as dinner at the dinner table, outside games and laughter, just to name a few.

So, my challenge to you is to find something that recharges you. Maybe it’s a new devotion, an afternoon walk with the family, or sitting on the couch eating cake. Take some time to rest and recover and be energized by the One who made us.

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

                                                      Matthew 11:28-30

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