
Mighty Warrior

by Jen Willard on April 20, 2020

When was the last time God called you to do something that you felt very insecure about? Was it on March 16 when He asked you to homeschool your children? On March 30 when He asked you to work from home? When He called you to learn how to use Zoom to order to assure your Life Group continues to meet? When He asked you to set up an account on Facebook even though you’re technically challenged? When your boss asked you to write a blog post for the church website even though you feel like you are a terrible writer? Wait, that last one was all me!

Judges Chapter 6 tells the story about Gideon. At this time in Israel’s history, they were being oppressed by the Midianites. The Midianites would regularly raid the land, thus ruining the Israelites’ crops. When we pick up the story, Gideon is threshing wheat in a wine press to hide it from the Midianites. The angel of the LORD appears to Gideon and in Verse 12b the angel says, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”

Gideon may have been thinking, “Who, me?  I am not a mighty warrior. I am terrified. Don’t you see me hiding in a winepress?” Verse 14 continues with “The LORD turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” Gideon, of course, continued to argue for a bit. He asked for several signs to PROVE that this was God’s will for his life. Again, in Verse 27 and 7:10, he struggled with fear and insecurity. Then in obedience, he proceeded to lead Israel in fighting against Midian and, SPOILER ALERT, defeated the Midianites, with torches, clay pots and trumpets! 

What is God asking you to do that you feel insecure about? Is it being productive from home? Continuing your children’s spiritual education at home?  Continuing to go into work even though it is risky and potentially unsafe?  Trusting Him with your finances?  Or is it writing a blog post?  

When God calls you, He will also equip you.  2 Timothy 3:17

Go in the strength you have …Am I not sending you?

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