
Everyday Moments

by Brenda Kidd on May 15, 2020

There are many demands requiring our attention today.  We are wearing many hats!  Within these demands, parents may be wondering, “How do we have conversations about faith?” The answer to this question may not be as difficult as we might imagine.  Sometimes, it may be just taking advantage of an everyday moment.

A couple of weeks ago, my granddaughter was playing in our backyard. Like most children, she enjoys being outside. She found a caterpillar creeping its way onto the swing set and was enthralled as it meandered along the support beam. It quickly became her new best friend and, as she began to carry the caterpillar around with her, we had an opportunity to talk about God’s creation and how He created caterpillars to eventually become beautiful butterflies. When it was time to go home, her mom reminded her the caterpillar needed to stay in our yard. She placed it very carefully, although reluctantly, on an Azalea bush so “it could eat the leaves for dinner and soon become a beautiful butterfly.” On Easter Sunday, I saw a butterfly on the same bush, snapped a picture and sent it to my granddaughter with the caption that maybe this was her caterpillar. My daughter said she was elated! The picture provided another opportunity to have a conversation about God and His creation.

In these everyday moments, we have opportunities to talk about faith. This conversation with a preschooler focused on God creating everything. In a conversation with older kids, the focus could be on God’s care for every detail of our lives or on being a new creation in Christ. Everyday moments can create perfect opportunities to have faith conversation.   Discipling children may seem like a daunting task at times. Maybe it’s in the everyday moments of mealtime, drive time, play time and bedtime that we can create a natural family rhythm for intentional faith conversation. Over the years, I’ve learned to appreciate the impact of everyday moments.

Pathway Kids is committed to creating opportunities and providing resources for families to focus on their faith journeys through everyday moments. We recognize the importance God places on family, and we desire to partner with parents as you lead your children to know God and follow Jesus. We pray for you and are here to walk with you.  Enjoy your everyday moments this week!


Brenda Kidd

May 15, 2020

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